Daniel Hernandez - Geospatial Analyst


Daniel manages Geografia's spatial data analytics


  • MEng(Spatial)

  • BSc (Env Eng)


  • Member, Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute


Daniel joined Geografia in 2016. After a brief interlude in the public sector through 2020, he rejoined in 2021. Daniel is responsible for Geografia's spatial analytics work. This includes everything from spatial database management and querying to network analysis and cartography.

Originally from Mexico, Daniel has an engineering degree and a Masters in GIS (from the University of Melbourne). He has advanced skills in SQL, python, and other languages used to compile, analyse and visualise spatial data. Daniel is fluent in both English and Spanish and worked on Geografia’s project in South America. He also manages the spatial data components of Spendmapp, Movemapp and our new population forecasting tool.

He used to be a chef. Typically, he refuses to cater for Geografia parties.