High Speed Broadband in S.E. Melbourne Study

Southern Melbourne RDA

It’s a trivial statement now to say that High Speed Broadband (HSB) is essential for business. This study measured the economic benefits of redirecting the NBN rollout in Melbourne’s South East to prioritise three key industrial precincts, which were suffering from lack of access to fast, reliable and affordable internet. We looked at how having early access to HSB has a significant impact on the growth trajectory. The later it comes, the more businesses lose. In investigating this, our council collaborators surveyed hundreds of local businesses, with the information used to calibrate an economic impact model. We then produced estimates of Total Output, GRP and jobs for different scenarios, including different timelines for the delivery of HSB. The clear conclusion was: the sooner the better. From this work, we prepared a statement of quantitative benefit of the merits of changing the rollout plan. 


Jabiru Economic Scenario Study


Sunshine National Employment Cluster Study