Kevin Johnson - Managing Director

Kevin is Geografia's MD and leads the company's systems modelling work in economics and demography.


  • PhD (Economic Geography)

  • Graduate Certificate (Economics)

  • BSc Hons (Geography)


Kevin has over 30 years experience in economic and policy analysis. This includes teaching urban economics at the University of Melbourne. Prior to that, he spent several years working in education, creative industries and local government policy and research for state government agencies in Victoria and Western Australia.

For the last decade, Kevin has worked around Australia and SE Asia on demographic and economic research and policy projects. His focus has been on introducing systems thinking and systems models into his work and finding ways to quantify the change in cities and towns. This has culminated in the development of applications such as Spendmapp, Placemapp and Popmapp.

Kevin also works with UN-Habitat, helping to design monitoring frameworks and tools for measuring liveability, quality of life and sustainable development in cities and settlements and how these are aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This work has led to assisting city governments around the world modify and implement monitoring frameworks.

He regularly publishes articles and blogs and is a member of the Institute of Australian Geographers, Economic Development Australia and the Economics Society of Australia.

He has plenty of hobbies but little time to enjoy them.